The IBD Digest


“A Digestible Solution for IBD Patients”

The IBD Digest is a free, independently developed iOS app, suggesting an alternative treatment method to IBD symptoms: nutrition.

Intuitive Navigation.

Original Recipes Specially Crafted to Alleviate Gut Inflammation.

Encourages Healthy Nutrition and Dietary Practices.

Tailored for Specific Dietary Needs.

Science Behind the Cookbook

The cookbook employs in-depth scientific research to ensure recipes are evidence-based. The chemical makeup of each ingredient is thoroughly researched in order to promote IBD-friendly options.

Educate Users on IBD Pathology.

Reviews Existing Dietary
Treatments for IBD.

Identifies Detrimental Processes
and IBD Biomarkers.

“SIBDQ” for Quality of Life

The IBD Digest utilizes the “Short IBD Questionnaire” (SIBDQ) to quantitatively measure user’s Quality of Life. Take the survey regularly to track scores and progress over time.

Privacy Policy

This app does not track you or save any of your private details, other than those values you specifically enter, e.g. Quality of Life survey. These values you enter stay on your device only and are not uploaded to any server, exported or shared by email unless you specifically chose to do so. If you decide to write us an email or share anonymized data, we will never pass your details to any third party. We will use your email address and personal data only to reply to your query. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy feel free to contact us.

For further questions or concerns, please email

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